I wanted to share with you this amazing article in sports illustrated that I just read. This woman’s story is certainly inspiring, from her multiple physical ailments, and countless surgeries, to her achievements as an athlete and celebrated Paralympian. Having her lower extremity limitations and subsequent amputations has not kept her from participating in, at last count, 4 sports including rowing, biathlon (shooting and skiing), cross country skiing, and now cycling. In terms of her upper extremities, she has to rely a lot on her arms and hands, which have undergone reconstructions to create a thumb and fingers out of the webbed hands without web spaces she was born with. Read and prepare to be inspired and amazed by her story.
Read in Sports Illustrated: https://apple.news/AKOVLoClAR8mEPNmnfcXcow
http://agm.us/oksana-masters-rio-2016 for more information