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American Society for Surgery of the Hand Corporate Advisory Council Meeting

I had the opportunity for the fourth year to chair the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Corporate Advisory Council meeting. This semiannual meeting involves the entire leadership of the ASSH, key staff personelle and many of our corporate sponsors.

We had 4 hours of face-to-face meetings with representatives from these organizations, then a dinner at the MK restaurant. It was a great meal and enjoyable get-together.

The following morning we had a very rich agenda and filled all 20 seats at the Chase Library at the ASSH Headquarters in the West Loop of Chicago.

ASSH president Scott Kozin and President-elect Bill Seitz presented compelling material on the Touching Hands project which represents the new outreach activities of the Hand Society. John Bednar, president of the American Foundation for Surgery of the Hand, reviewed all of the positive things that we are doing in terms of education and research. Past president Ed Akelman gave us an update on the digital platform Hand-E and all of the new content that is beig curated by the editorial team. We reviewed the new online digital platform for the industry guide which will be tightly integrated with the didactic material of the Hand-E digital media platform, for which I am on the task force along with Dr. Seitz. We had extensive discussions about market research opportunities and got feedback from our industry partners regarding providing consultation services of the hand and upper extremity market place. We had an excellent and sobering overview of the national healthcare initiative by Past President Dan Nagle.

As always this was a very engaged interactive meeting and I believe all came away with new insights and new items on their “to do list” in terms of collaboration and cooperation.

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