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  • EDiao

California Orthopedic Association Annual Meeting in Palm Springs

After the suspension of many face to face activities due to the COVID pandemic, I was happy as a member of the Board of Directors of the California Orthopedic Association to finally having a face to face meeting. It was held at a wonderful location, Palm Springs Hyatt Regency Hotel. In addition to the excellent lectures and break out sessions regarding Workman’s Comp in California, the many malpractice initiatives that are occurring on the State and Federal level, and a variety of the contemporary topics of interest to the Orthopedic Practitioner and Administrator, there was also time for interpersonal connections in the evening dinner programs and social activities.

Here I am with Rick Bost, one of the senior orthopedic surgeons in San Francisco, a colleague and friend. I was particularly delighted to be engaged in the Board of Directors meeting and to be a participant at and help moderate the Hand Symposium at the Annual Meeting. All in all, it was a very successful meeting and I look forward to the annual meeting next year in Monterey, and hope that we have even more participants coming to learn and enjoy the camaraderie of our organization.

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