It’s been a year since the COVID-19 epidemic first hit us here in the United States, and of course around the entire world. We mourn the catastrophic loss of life and reflect on how much our future will be changed… at least for a while, and maybe longer!
I am all the more grateful that we have been able to keep this practice and our surgery center open throughout these challenging times, with the help of the staff that have been on the front lines with me. I feel grateful that we have been able to help so many patients this year and at times, been able to serve as essential workers.
This photo was taken on only my second trip out of the San Francisco Bay Area this entire year. I traveled to Utah to participate in some meetings. This is me on a free day at the top of Snowbird at the Tram Station in Little Cottonwood Canyon for a day of skiing. I am grateful to have been able to have a day of outdoor activities and do something that I have missed this past year. I am grateful that we here at our practice have stayed healthy, as has my family. We look forward to continuing to provide the care that we are so proud of.