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Stryker Elbow to Finger Residents & Fellows Course, Phoenix, AZ, March 31st - April 1st

I had the opportunity to be one of three faculty members who led a 50-participant course in key topics in upper extremity for the Stryker Corporation, a leading manufacturer in the upper extremity space. It was held in the huge semi-truck that holds 8 workstations for surgical skills and cadaver dissection. Instead of the usual 5-6 faculty, the 3 of us worked hard, but had a chance to work with every participant over the 2 days.

Outside the semi-truck that holds 8 stations

Inside the Mobile Operating Room

Several of us have redesigned this program over the last few years to make it a very small and interactive group. This was a particularly good setting to have the meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, and the large MORE (Mobile Operating Room) was utilized. Over 1-1/2 days we covered finger injuries, finger fracture, and fixation and implant use, carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel releases, wrist fracture care, nerve decompression in the elbow and forearm, and elbow fracture and replacement surgery. The group of nineteen residents and fellows from around the country were highly engaged as were my co-faculty, Fraser Leversedge and Carlton Clinkscales. There was much good camaraderie, learning, and sharing of insights and pearls.

The course was a big success based on feedback.

To top it off, the three of us on the faculty were able to attend the NCAA final 4 semifinal games held in Phoenix. There, we shared the space with 78,000 of our fellow basketball fans. It was a very exciting and eventful end to our educational weekend.

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