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Stryker Small Joint Arthroplasty & Upper Extremity Trauma Courses; Miami, Florida

I had the pleasure of chairing 2 courses, one on upper extremity arthroplasty including elbow, wrist, and finger joints and another on upper extremity trauma at the Miami Anatomical Research Center in Miami Florida. I had the pleasure of having Bernie Morrey as my co-chair for the arthroplasty course, past Chair of Orthopaedics at Mayo Clinic and past President of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery and a leader in elbow treatments. We were more than ably assisted by Bill Cooney, prior Chief of Hand Surgery at Mayo Clinic and past President of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, and Amit Gupta of Louisville Kentucky, who has been very active in the design of wrist implants. The participants had a full dose of one-on-one interaction with the 4 faculty member as well as some didactic lectures and case presentations. There were many experienced surgeons here and we learned a lot as well as imparting our knowledge and pearls to the audience.

That evening we had a sumptuous omakase meal at Zuma, the number 1 rated restaurant in Zagat Guide and actually on the first floor of the hotel we were staying at, the Epic Miami, Kimpton Hotel. We had the opportunity to be with the Stryker marketing team and R&D team and talked about various aspects of the future of hand surgery.

The next day I had the pleasure of chairing a second course which is the upper extremity trauma course, accompanied by two Starwood colleagues, John Wyrick from Cincinnati Ohio, and Harry Hoyen from Cleveland Ohio. With their vast knowledge of trauma, we did a case presentation format interaction with our small groups regarding traumatic injuries and reconstruction in the entire upper limb. Here the open reduction internal fixation products were featured and the dissections and approaches used in our Bioskills courses were very well received.

This was a great opportunity to teach and learn about treatments for upper extremity conditions in a beautiful setting.

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