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Stryker Train the Trainers Event

As a consultant for the Stryker Corporation, I am involved in designing and executing surgical education to fellow surgeons on surgical techniques. In this two day meeting, the surgeon consultants in four areas, hand and upper limb, trauma, hip and knee reconstruction, and shoulder and elbow reconstruction all gathered for a very interactive and very educational session on the latest science regarding adult education. The focus was on interactive teaching, and methodology suited to the adult brain and how adults learn best. Maximizing surgical skills labs and cadaver dissection exercises were emphasized. We also had the opportunity to talk with the people who are designing and marketing the various devices that we use to perform surgeries to help patients.

The meeting took place in the Homer Learning Center, an x square foot facility dedicated to surgical training and education. It was a well spent two days and I took back with me new techniques to use. I was also involved in some planning for the 2015 calendar year upper extremity educational programs.

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